Friday, February 6, 2015

Week 3B

Today in class, we discussed the readings and our results from doing research over the weekend for our website re-design. Turns out I am not the only one who was not able to get in contact with someone, but I am still trying. We then reviewed different ways of coding a responsive website using media queries. Some of the different methods were confusing, but one method used seemed to make more sense on assigning what the arrangement of content should be on the page and what it should do at different sizes by distinguishing three sizes: desktop, tablet, and mobile. I now understand Media Queries, because before I only knew the name, not what it's purpose was.


  • Web sketches: Using a content direction selected from the team exercise, create 3 different home pages and sub page with a lot of content (total of 6).
    • One direction with white space
    • One direction that reflects a Responsive Pattern
    • One direction experimental
  • Use Responsive Wireframe Sketch Sheet


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