Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Week 2B

Day of Design:

In Class:

Today in class we looked at everyone's five websites that they have chosen as options to redesign. Of all four websites that I presented, it was decided that the Pennsylvania Farm Show is the best option, since it is a very popular event.


  1. Review assigned event site
  • Call and ask:
    • Who uses the website and why?
    • What is the main reason for the site?
    • If you could change or add anything, what would it be?
  • Create persona for site redesogn (name, quote, age, occupation, location, behaviors, goals, actions)
  • Design Objectives for Website redesign 
    • Design objectives are similar to business objectives. With business objectives, you normally create a bulleted list of things that you want the website to achieve. With design objectives, your list includes messages and emotions you want to communicate. (Paul Boag)
  • Read Ch. 2- Flexible Grid

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