Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 9A

Today in class we gathered in small groups to discuss our research on the website. Luckily, the coordinator of the Garden Project called me just as we started to discuss my site and provided me with some very useful information about the organization and website.

She told me that the main target audience, or users to the website are people looking for volunteering opportunities, wanting to donate land for gardening, or schools looking to enroll their under-privileged students in the program. This gave me my three touchpoints for the website which are: Donate, Volunteer, and Join Us. The purpose of the organization is to prevent childhood diabetes and obesity by teaching responsibility about health, growing food, and teaching parents and children about gardening. She said that the website also needs to be updated, as the latest new post is from 2012.

Afterwards, I returned to my partner, and she agreed with me on the touch points that I should include.

- Create a Visual Inventory (refer to
- show Concept, Color, and Tone
**Due 3/30**

- figure out 2 key touchpoints for site (DONE)

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