Friday, April 10, 2015

Week 10B

Today in class, we looked at each others's wireframes in small groups, for about 30 minutes each, in which my group mates sketched out potential layouts and designs for my website. I felt that this activity really helped, considering I was struggling a bit with how exactly I wanted my website to look. I decided to go with my traditional layout, and my group mates agreed it is the most successful. I attempted a left vertical navigation, but it just doesn't seem like it will work out for this website. It was suggested that, since the Charleston Area Children's Garden Project doesn't have a logo, to design one for them, which I will do over the weekend.



Partner's Sketches:


- based on feedback, finish a detailed color sketch of 1 home and sub page (desktop & mobile)
- Read "Our New Responsive Design Deliverable: The Style Prototype" and create a style prototype using their source code **CHANGE EVERYTHING**

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