Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 14B: Work From Home

Since I am not going to class on Wednesday due to the option of working from home, I am posting my progress on here for critique. I finished the improvements from the last class, and have started on my subpage by adding the content and imagery.

 I feel like the listed information definitely needs to be shortened or hidden somehow, especially in the mobile view. I am considering some sort of hide/reveal function which would allow the user to click "See (or Read) More", once they're done they could then click "Less." I have found some basic Hide/Reveal functions, but would like to search for a more animated function to be more cohesive with the animated underline on my touch points.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 14A

Today in class, we critiqued each others' homepages, and were given time to make adjustments afterwards. The suggestions I received were:

  • Decrease intensity of shadow
  • Center paragraph with leaf
    • shorter line length
  • Align donate with other touch points
  • Different color in nav, or eliminate underline or bold
  • line spacing, lighter text for body
  • Smaller text in mobile
  • have logo size down in mobile

I was able to change the rollover states of the touchpoints and nav links, decrease the drop shadow of the touch points, adjusted the line length and spacing, and aligned the donate touch points with the others.

- finish adjustments on homepage
-show progress on subpage

Week 13: Outside of Class

This weekend outside of class, I completed my homepage. So far I am very pleased with how it turned out, and welcome any suggestions from classmates on how to improve it even more. I feel like there needs to be more spacing between the elements which I hope to figure out how to fix soon.



I even researched some interesting button effects since I felt that the donate, volunteer, and join us buttons needed some sort of special rollover state other than just changing colors or size. They are the touch points of this organization, and they need to appear as important as they are. Therefore, I added an underline that progresses out from the center of the div.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Shoot First, Ask Questions Later

Back in March, a bunch of us design students from Millersville went to a talk at York College called "Shoot First, Ask Questions Later" by Ken Barber. He works for House Industries, which has been noticed by Warner Brothers, Jimmy Kimmel, Autorama, and even the creators of the show "Powerpuff Girls" for their unique typefaces. They are unique in their process because they still draw out the letters  several times before they will make them digital. He firmly believes in stepping away from the computer every once in a while and do things by hand, which I found to be very inspiring because I have found that it clears my mind to just sit and sketch things out before rendering them on my computer. That way I'm not immediately faced with the constraints of technology.

Week 13B

Today in class, we looked at each others' sub pages and assisted classmates who were having difficulties with their code. I wasn't having any major difficulties that I haven't fixed on my own (Stack Overflow and w3 Schools have been my resources). I did help out another student style individual divs in her HTML which helped her out with sizing icons at the bottom of the screen. Since I have started on my homepage, some of the elements from there carried over to my subpage, and I added some graphics to it as well during class.



-Have homepage DONE for next class (graphics, typefaces, etc)

Week 13A

Today in class, we looked at each others' homepage structures. So far I am not having any difficulty with mine, so I began to put some of the graphics into my site to test the placement.


- create basic HTML/CSS layout of subpage

Week 12: Outside of Class

This weekend outside of class, I worked on the basic HTML/CSS structure of my home page. I feel that this gives me a better idea of how I would like to layout my website before diving in and designing it right away.

