Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Week 8B: March 18

Today in class we had a full critique of our subpages and adjustments made to homepage. Everyone was satisfied with the changes I have made since our homepage critique, and enjoyed the layout of my schedule in terms of how easy it would be to read on mobile, as I mentioned in my last post. Some helpful suggestions I received includes:

- change dropdown for 2016 Show (2016 Show is shown twice in tablet and mobile version, but is fine in desktop for some reason)

- change size of links
- change date images to dynamic text (better for google searches)
- eliminate lines between date layers
- change color of pig icon under top image (blends in with image, hard to see)

We also looked at the poorly designed non-profit websites that we had to choose from to re-design for our next project. The Charleston Area Children's Garden Project website was the one that my classmates and professor agreed on to re-design. Over the weekend, we must call the coordinator or owner of the organization's website and write 300 words about the phone conversation, purpose of organization, and web usage.

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