Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 7B: 3/04

Today in class, we did a full critique on each others' homepages. For mine, some of the suggestions I received include:

- Take dividing lines out on mobile
- change blue color
- need home page button on navigation bar
- change color of rollover links
-look at similar typefaces for headers and titles (one that I don't have to pay for, unlike the one I have on there now)

I have made adjustments to some of those suggestions in class, such as changing the blue color, adding a homepage button to the nav bar, and changed my typeface. I like this new typeface a lot and feel that it adds to the theme that I am aiming for, and will incorporate it into my logo.

- show progress on subpage by Monday after break
- subpage due wed 3/18
- Find 5 non profit websites that are poorly designed to redesign for next project

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